I was speaking at a W3C event in Abingdon, near Oxford, and had a couple of spare hours, so I drove to Oxford.
Some of the shots here are composites (panoramas); I will make the individual images available on request.
The images are copyright, but if you want to use them, all you have to do is ask. Generally I like a link back in exchange.
Title: An Afternoon in Oxford
Total items: 56
Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.
An Oxford University college seen from outside the porter’s lodge.
I stood just inside the entrance and took photographs in almost a 180 degree arc. You can just see on the right in the background that there is a gallery over a lower floor. There are I think 5 floors. [more...]
All very Oxford somehow. Except they’re not wearing gowns. But students emerging from a college carrying books. They gave me their permission to be photographed (after the [...] [more...]
Well, it has columns at least.
A shop selling paper and writing implements.
I was speaking at a W3C event in Abingdon, near Oxford, and had a couple of spare hours, so I drove to Oxford.
Some of the shots here are composites (panoramas); I will make the individual images available on request.
The images are copyright, but if you want to use them, all you have to do is ask. Generally I like a link back in exchange.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.