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Pet orangedetails

[Picture: Pet orange]
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Rare and Antiquarian 234x60

Image title: Pet orange
Source: Quin, Liam R E: “Blackjack’s First Day”
Place shown: none
Keywords: fruit, oranges, pets, colour
Status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit requested

Oranges are not very rewarding pets, although at least you can eat them, and they are very easy to photograph, because they sit still very nicely.

Filename: img_8862-500x333.jpg
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi / 400D / Kiss Digital X (and rare K236)
Lens: 17 - 85 mm (35 mm equivalent: 26.6 - 132.8 mm)
Focal Length: 79mm
ISO: 800
Aperture: f/5.6
Exposure Time: 0.066667 seconds
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Picture Style: Faithful
Date: 2011:05:01 19:07:59

$Id: mkgallery,v 1.69 2010/06/05 03:56:00 lee Exp lee $

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