Various (mostly unsorted) photos took in and around Toronto in July of 2004.
I have marked these as public domain; you can use them as stock images, e.g. for photomanipulation (manips) if you like, but please don’t take them all, or try to mirror them! Some of them are also on my DeviantArt stock account.
Title: Snapshots from Toronto, July 2006
Total items: 63
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
A studio we were thinking of renting.
Purple paper. I think it might have lost some legs.
A studio we were thinking of renting.
This out-of-focus Linotype machine was working when it was last used, but that’s actually a few years ago now. [more...]
Spadina Subway Escalataor Thingy
They were repairing the long horizontal walkway in Spadina, subway (which has since been entirely removed, probably because it was so unreliable). [more...]
Various (mostly unsorted) photos took in and around Toronto in July of 2004.
I have marked these as public domain; you can use them as stock images, e.g. for photomanipulation (manips) if you like, but please don’t take them all, or try to mirror them! Some of them are also on my DeviantArt stock account.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.