Prince Edward County is an island about two or three hours’ drive East of Toronto, or an hour’s drive to the West and South of Kingston, Ontario. My husband and I had a week’s holiday there in August of 2004, when these pictures were taken. We already knew that we wanted to move here, and were looking for a house to buy.
Title: August 2004 in Prince Edward County
Total items: 249
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
An old snowmobile or maybe a skidoo, rotting in a field.
Someone needs to edit this picture and insert a sailing boat in the middle of the view.
Sonny (or Sunny>) the Hound. The head and snout of a black dog. With his eyes closed.
) the Hound. The head and snout of a black dog. With his eyes closed.">An old brick house in Picton, Ontario, now used as a museum. There are shutters for the windows, and flowers in the foreground. There is a colonial-style porch with columns. [more...]
An old large-format camera made by Kodak. Actually it’s not as old as it might look, and is used by a photographic artist in Prince Edward County, Graham Davies. The photograph was taken by permission. [more...]
Prince Edward County is an island about two or three hours’ drive East of Toronto, or an hour’s drive to the West and South of Kingston, Ontario. My husband and I had a week’s holiday there in August of 2004, when these pictures were taken. We already knew that we wanted to move here, and were looking for a house to buy.
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