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August 2004 in Prince Edward County (page 1/22)


Prince Edward County is an island about two or three hours’ drive East of Toronto, or an hour’s drive to the West and South of Kingston, Ontario. My husband and I had a week’s holiday there in August of 2004, when these pictures were taken. We already knew that we wanted to move here, and were looking for a house to buy.

Title: August 2004 in Prince Edward County

Author: Liam Quin

Total items: 249

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Old skidoo]

Old skidoo

An old snowmobile or maybe a skidoo, rotting in a field.

[picture: Invisible Boat]

Invisible Boat

Someone needs to edit this picture and insert a sailing boat in the middle of the view.

[picture: Black Dog 2]

Black Dog 2

Sonny (or Sunny>) the Hound. The head and snout of a black dog. With his eyes closed.

[picture: Macaulay House]

Macaulay House

An old brick house in Picton, Ontario, now used as a museum. There are shutters for the windows, and flowers in the foreground. There is a colonial-style porch with columns. [more...]

[picture: Antique camera]

Antique camera

An old large-format camera made by Kodak. Actually it’s not as old as it might look, and is used by a photographic artist in Prince Edward County, Graham Davies. The photograph was taken by permission. [more...]

Tags in this source:

abstract animals backgrounds bare feet barns beaches beds birds boats buildings cameras captions carpentry carpets cars carts cartwheels cats churches clocks colour creeper death decor dogs doors entrances farm machinery fences fields flowers footprints furniture gates gateways glasses grass graveyards horses houses interiors knots lamps lions mud musical instruments paths photography plants pottery railways rock rocks ruins settings shit signage skies snowmobiles spiders stained glass textures tombs tombstones tools tractors trailers trees views walls water waves windows wood

Places shown:

Kingston ·Ontario ·Picton ·Prince Edward County ·Toronto

Prince Edward County is an island about two or three hours’ drive East of Toronto, or an hour’s drive to the West and South of Kingston, Ontario. My husband and I had a week’s holiday there in August of 2004, when these pictures were taken. We already knew that we wanted to move here, and were looking for a house to buy.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.