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UK Holiday 4: Ellesmere Boat Museum (page 1/9)


Clyde and I visited my father, and he suggested that we go to Ellesmere Boat Museum in Ellesmere Port. So we did.

Title: UK Holiday 4: Ellesmere Boat Museum

Author: Liam Quin

Total items: 89

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: ]

[picture: Barrow with sack]

Barrow with sack

A three-wheeled hand-cart.

[picture: Dolly]


A wooden handcart for moving stuff. Blurry but OK for a stock item in the background, where the focus is on a different subject.

[picture: Old advertisements]

Old advertisements

Old metal (enamel) advertisments.

[picture: Wooden wheelbarrow]

Wooden wheelbarrow

A small wooden wheelbarrow, perhaps for a child?

Tags in this source:

arches boats brick walls buildings canals captions carts chains chimneys clocks colour cranes dials docks engines factories fans fireplaces flowers furniture horses implements industry interiors ladders lamps locks machinery paths people prisons settings signs skies stables stairways steam engines steps tackle telephones transport water wheels windows

Places shown:

Cheshire ·Ellesmere Port

Clyde and I visited my father, and he suggested that we go to Ellesmere Boat Museum in Ellesmere Port. So we did.

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