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August 2004 in Prince Edward County (page 2/22)

[picture: Blurry train]

Blurry train

A blurry shot of a black oil tanker (a railway/railroad truck) just outside Toronto’s Union Station.

[picture: Blurry railway tracks]

Blurry railway tracks

Railway lnes (US: railroad tracks) taken from inside a moving train; maybe the blur indicates high speed, motion?

[picture: Pregnant Woman Parking Space]

Pregnant Woman Parking Space

A space in a car park (US: parking lot) in Kingston, Ontario had this symbol painted in it. Some of the spaces near the entrance of the supermarket are reserved for pregnant women. [more...]

[picture: Lion on the Wall]

Lion on the Wall

A lion’s head as a decorative element on a wall next to a shop window in Kingston, Ontario.

[picture: Rose hip]

Rose hip

A close-up of a plant.

[picture: Beach with overgrown cliffs]

Beach with overgrown cliffs

Trees and bushes overhang the water on these stone cliffs over Lake Ontario.

[picture: Wet pebbles at the edge of the shore]

Wet pebbles at the edge of the shore

The wave lapped over these pebbles seconds before this photograph was taken.

[picture: Wet pebbles at the edge of the shore 2]

Wet pebbles at the edge of the shore 2

The wave lapped over these pebbles seconds before this photograph was taken.

[picture: Tree by beach]

Tree by beach

A tree on the edge of a pebbly shore.

[picture: Tree by beach 2]

Tree by beach 2

The invisible helicopters are landing by the edge of the shore!

[picture: Point Petre in the Evening]

Point Petre in the Evening

We had no idea when I took this picture that two years later we’d live here.

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