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UK Holiday 4: Ellesmere Boat Museum (page 6/9)

[picture: Canal boat]

Canal boat

A canal boat (narrowboat, barge) seen from above.

[picture: Old boat]

Old boat

An old boat that looks as if it was rescued from underwater.

[picture: longboat cabin]

longboat cabin

A canal boat’s tiny cabin. As much space as possible was used by the cargo.

[picture: ]

[picture: Blurry father]

Blurry father

Not enough light for this picture, sadly.

[picture: Craftsman]


An old man wearing a lancashire cap or beret is working with wood or rope in his workshopp.

[picture: Craftsman 2]

Craftsman 2

With slightly different camera settings.

[picture: Barrow with sack]

Barrow with sack

A three-wheeled hand-cart.

[picture: Wooden wheelbarrow]

Wooden wheelbarrow

A small wooden wheelbarrow, perhaps for a child?

[picture: Dolly]


A wooden handcart for moving stuff. Blurry but OK for a stock item in the background, where the focus is on a different subject.

[picture: Dolly 2]

Dolly 2

More nearly in focus

[picture: Signs]


National Coal Boar: Warning: Beware of coal dropping when passing beneath conveyors.

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