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Brisbane in January (page 5/7)

[picture: Downtown Brisbane from a distance]

Downtown Brisbane from a distance

Showing towers, skyscrapers, boats and the river

[picture: Downtown Brisbane from a distance 2]

Downtown Brisbane from a distance 2

With a person on a leash in the foreground. Or, more likely, two people and a dog just out of sight on the end of a leash, but you never know.

[picture: Lamp]


A lamp in a hotel in downtown Brisbane.

[picture: Brisbane building]

Brisbane building

A building in downtown brisbane (a court maybe?)

[picture: Bars in the windows]

Bars in the windows

Perhaps those are prison cells?

[picture: Monument]


A sunken cathedral in downtown Brisbane, under a tree.

[picture: Old tree]

Old tree

A tree with amazing roots and creeper stuff.

[picture: Brisbane Anglican Cathedral]

Brisbane Anglican Cathedral

You can tell it’s Anglican (Episcopalian) because the cross is empty; the Roman Catholics like to put Jesus in Agony on the cross rather than focusing on the resurrection. [more...]

[picture: Brisbane Anglican Cathedral 2]

Brisbane Anglican Cathedral 2

A slightly blurry shot that gives a bit of a feel for the shape and size of this gothic medieval cathedral in the middle of Brisbane. Actually I think they only just finished building it, but [...] [more...]

[picture: Altar at Brisbane Anglican Cathedral]

Altar at Brisbane Anglican Cathedral

A nice sharp, clear picture of the altar.

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