The fog didn’t come out in the shot, and you can’t see the things that are hidden by the fog, of course.
The fog didn’t come out in the shot, and you can’t see the things that are hidden by the fog, of course.
You can maybe start to tell it’s foggy here.
The white haze behind the tree is actually fog; for some reason the camera could see through it, perhaps because of the long exposure.
Actually the upstairs of Clyde’s art gallery, which is a converted old barn. I was trying to block out the holes where the birds were getting in and building their wee little nesties. [more...]
With a rope dangling there. Don’t get any bad ideas.
A closer view of the dangling rope inside this dark old barn.
A staircase or stairway made from wooden steps, leading down, with a right-angled turn.
An ornate iron cross in the gothic style, on the wall in my study.
Sharper, with more light.
Somewhere to sit or sleep? Some old bales of hay piled against the corner of an old wooden barn, with the sunlight streaming through from outside. [more...]
A good setting for a Royal Tea Party?
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