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New Orleans: Mardi Gras Museum (page 8/10)

[picture: King Cakes caption]

King Cakes caption

King Cakes
The king cake appears in New Orleans homes and offices throughout the Carnival season. This oval pastry ring evolved from a simple brioche dough sprinkled with sugar in Carnical colors to highly [...]
A small plastic “baby” is hidden in each cake; the person who eats the slice containing the “baby” must provide the next cake or give the next party. The baby is thought to represent the Christ Child adored by the Magi on Twelfth Night. Formerly made of porcelain, king cake babies arenow generally plastic. [more...]

[picture: King cake 1]

King cake 1

King Cakes
The king cake appears in New Orleans homes and offices throughout the Carnival season. This oval pastry ring evolved from a simple brioche dough sprinkled with sugar in Carnical colors to highly [...]
A small plastic “baby” is hidden in each cake; the person who eats the slice containing the “baby” must provide the next cake or give the next party. The baby is thought to represent the Christ Child adored by the Magi on Twelfth Night. Formerly made of porcelain, king cake babies arenow generally plastic. [more...]

[picture: King cake 2]

King cake 2

Another shot.

[picture: Neptune's Fork]

Neptune’s Fork

A giant hand holding a giant fork or trident.

[picture: Clown costume]

Clown costume

The caption to the left starts: [more...]

[picture: Acadian Masks]

Acadian Masks

Acadian Masks
Made by J. B. LeBlue, Jr., Renée Frugé, Suson Launey, Georgie Miller and Suson Launey [more...]

[picture: caption]


caption for Acadian Masks

[picture: Jester in a tree]

Jester in a tree

A fool or jester sits in a tree.

[picture: Blurry horse-fool]

Blurry horse-fool

A man stands on a horse.

[picture: Horse rider]

Horse rider

Not blurry this time.

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