I think what we see here may be sketches done before the frescoes were painted; with the removal of the frescoes for restoration, they found such things underneath. [...] [more...]
A lion’s head holding a stone ring, carved into the end of a stone sarcophagus, sort of like a door knocker or a carrying handle.
A lion’s head holding a stone ring, carved into the end of a stone sarcophagus, sort of like a door knocker or a carrying handle. This is a sharper and more dramatic shot. The [...] [more...]
Long caption about restoration 1
I have not transcribed it.
Long caption about restoration 2
This part reproduces an old engraving showing the design of the Camposanto Monumentale.
A gravestone from 1427 (I think, if the number is split over two lines!) with a shield and a symbol.
Looking out from one entrance in the quadrangle back into the cloisters through another entrance.
Another, equally off-balance, shot.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.