It was locked, although whether to keep the living out or to keep the dead inside remains unclear.
A very slightly different view.
An overall view of Ramshorn Church or Kirk, in Glasgow, the church in the parish that saw the birth of John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister. [more...]
An overall view of Ramshorn Church or Kirk, in Glasgow, the church in the parish that saw the birth of John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister. [more...]
The porch, and the blue railings.
People from the Text Layout Summit, together with a rather large dosai at an Indian restaurant.
People from the Text Layout Summit, together with a rather large dosai at an Indian restaurant.
People from the Text Layout Summit, together with a rather large dosai at an Indian restaurant.
People from the Text Layout Summit, together with a rather large dosai at an Indian restaurant.
Some tall buildings near the Text Layout Summit
Part of the University of Strathclyde, where the Text Layout Summit was held.
A juxtaposition of old and new, but considerable effort has been taken to blend.
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