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2008-04: Another trip to Tokyo (page 13/16)

[picture: Japanese temple 31]

Japanese temple 31

In the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 32]

Japanese temple 32

In the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 33]

Japanese temple 33

In the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 34]

Japanese temple 34

In the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 35]

Japanese temple 35

In the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 36]

Japanese temple 36

Flowers outside the temple, with the ritual guardian lion in the background.

[picture: Japanese temple 37]

Japanese temple 37

Flowers outside the temple, with the ritual guardian lion in the background.

[picture: Japanese temple 38]

Japanese temple 38

Outside the temple.

[picture: Japanese temple 39]

Japanese temple 39

A car or van parked outside the temple, the mundane meets the spiritual. The temple is reached by the steps behind the car.

[picture: Side-street 1]

Side-street 1

A narrow street. Notice the two-storey bike rack on the left.

[picture: Side-street 2]

Side-street 2

A lorry [US: van or truck] turns into the street. The side of the truck is characteristically Japanese.

[picture: trees and tubs]

trees and tubs

Along the side of the street. I cannot read the sign, but I think it gives a local map.

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