This clock in the apse is maybe 20 metres (60 feet) tall.
This clock in the apse is maybe 20 metres (60 feet) tall.
This clock in the apse is maybe 20 metres (60 feet) tall.
Side-chapel with dangling figures
Sculpture dangling from the walls in this side-chapel.
An object on the wall, ornately painted, surmounted by a crucificx. The date above the skull at the motto is (I think) 1576. there are also a clock and an hour-glass by the skull. [more...]
A line of chandeliers leads to the organ pipes, seen between two pillars of the Nave.
At the end of the Apse are steps leading down to a chamber, possibly a chapter house, with an inscription that probably lists previous bishops. The earliest date I see is 1294. [more...]
A painting behind an altar in the crypt or chapter-house place.
The huge tall stained East Window of the church, with candles burning at its base..
A bishop or cardinal with an ornate curved crook.
It starts, Anno D[omi]ni M CCCLVIIII, i.e. 1459.
An almost-naked man fastened to a cross with nails through his hands and feet. Actually in the Bible he was naked (see Matthew 27:35).
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