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Bottles and Model Trains (page 1/12)


Title: Bottles and Model Trains

Author: Liam Quin

Total items: 106

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Motor for model railway engine]

Motor for model railway engine

This model railway engine has lost its case. It is probably O-gauge, and is from the early 1960s or (more likely) earlier.

[picture: grating in the street]

grating in the street

A grille leading down to a basement window.

[picture: Motor for model railway engine 3]

Motor for model railway engine 3

A view of the insides of an old model railway engine taken in strong daylight.

[picture: Hexagonal antique medicine bottle]

Hexagonal antique medicine bottle

An antique hexagonal blue glass medicine bottle.

[picture: Major Street, Toronto]

Major Street, Toronto

Major Street looking North from College, in Toronto.

Tags in this source:

books bottles calligraphy clocks colour computers electronics fences flowers food glass hedges lettering models music musical instruments pianos pictures of books railways staircases steps stone streets telephones textures trees views walls windows

Places shown:

Ontario ·Toronto ·none

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