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Montreal, August 2004 (page 1/3)


I was in Montreal to speak at the Extreme Markup XML conference, a conference I really enjoy.

Title: Montreal, August 2004

Author: Liam Quin

Total items: 20

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Tall shiny building 3]

Tall shiny building 3

I took this to use as part of a multi-shot larger image, a vertical panorama, which is up on DeviantArt as Montreal Tower. [more...]

[picture: restaurant]


A couple of people ride past on a motorcycle; in the background is a grand-looking semi-circular room with a stone balustrade and arched windows, part of a restaurant or maybe a theatre. [more...]

[picture: APEX marketing on rusty springs]

APEX marketing on rusty springs

This was outside the building in the previous picture; either APEX moved on to new things or they didn’t, since the building appeared to be for sale. [more...]

[picture: Tower for Panorama 2]

Tower for Panorama 2


I took this to use as part of a multi-shot larger image, a vertical panorama, but I don’t think I ever stitched them together.

[picture: Tall shiny building]

Tall shiny building

I took this to use as part of a multi-shot larger image, a vertical panorama, which is up on DeviantArt as Montreal Tower. [more...]

Tags in this source:

buildings cities colour fish lettering night scenes office buildings office towers paths restaurants rock rubbish sculpture signage skies skyscrapers street scenes sunsets textures towers trees walls water windows

Places shown:

Montreal ·Quebec

I was in Montreal to speak at the Extreme Markup XML conference, a conference I really enjoy.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.