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Various snapshots (page 1/10)


Various snapshots taken in Toronto, Point Petre/Athol, Amsterdam and Japan.

Title: Various snapshots

Author: Quin, Liam R E

Total items: 87

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: 16th century Dutch building 1]

16th century Dutch building 1

An old building in Amsterdam

[picture: Rembrandt Museum 4]

Rembrandt Museum 4

This was about as close as I could get.

[picture: Amsterdam canal trip N]

Amsterdam canal trip N

View from a canal boat as it goes under a bridge.

[picture: My new home office 1]

My new home office 1

This is my home office before we removed the woood-stove and put in the furniture. It’s full now, but then, you could see the wooden floor.

[picture: Public art mural 1]

Public art mural 1

A giant mural in Amsterdam

Tags in this source:

arcade games arches architecture art bare feet bicycles boats booths brick walls bridges buildings canals cars cherubs children churches cities cityscapes clouds colour computers concrete jungles crowds doors drums entrances escalators flags games grief humour interiors machines malls masts monuments museums musical instruments paintings panoramas people plaques public telephones railings rigging roofs ships shops signs skies spires street scenes streets sunrises sunsets theatre towers transport trees views water windows woodstoves

Places shown:

Amsterdam ·Japan ·Ontario ·Prince Edward County ·Tokyo ·Toronto ·none

Various snapshots taken in Toronto, Point Petre/Athol, Amsterdam and Japan.

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