I gave a keynote speech at a conference in Victoria and then went to W3C Working Group meetings in San Jose; these are some snapshots I took along the way, and also some pictures I took after I got home to Prince Edward County here in Southern Ontario.
Title: San Jose trip, plus Vancouver Airport
Total items: 56
Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.
An old clockwork wax cylinder audio player from about 1905, on display in Vancouver airport. The horn is to amplify the sound mechanically.
Another closeup, a detail from this fabulous larger-than-life and much-photographed sculpture.
Clyde’s sister.
you can almost hear her purr.
The diagram (upper half).
I gave a keynote speech at a conference in Victoria and then went to W3C Working Group meetings in San Jose; these are some snapshots I took along the way, and also some pictures I took after I got home to Prince Edward County here in Southern Ontario.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.