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A trip to Raleigh, North Carolina (page 1/13)


I had some XML Query meetings hosted by Red Hat in Raleigh, North Corolina, in April 2007, and took some quick pictures there.

Title: A trip to Raleigh, North Carolina

Author: Quin, Liam R. E.

Total items: 110

Stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Wilting flower close-up]

Wilting flower close-up

This one is past its best. All things must die, in the end.

[picture: Violins 1]

Violins 1

A row of violins hanging up in the shop where they are made.

I asked if I could photograph these, and they said I could.

[picture: dark lamp-post 1]

dark lamp-post 1

A lamp-post silhouetted against the sky

[picture: âura 1]

âura 1

A bar called “âura” (aura).

[picture: Tree Green 2]

Tree Green 2

Looking up through the leaves.

Tags in this source:

arches architecture bars bottles brick walls buildings buttons cameras cars churches closeups colour construction equipment control panels cranes creeper creepers decor doors electrics entrances fences fire engines flowers frames hotels houses humour interiors lampposts lenses level crossings machinery musical instruments outtakes paths people plants politics portraits railways reflections religion restaurants sculpture shops shutters signs stained glass steps stores street scenes switches telegraph poles textures towers transport trees views windows

Places shown:

North Carolina ·Raleigh

I had some XML Query meetings hosted by Red Hat in Raleigh, North Corolina, in April 2007, and took some quick pictures there.

Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.