I had some XML Query meetings hosted by Red Hat in Raleigh, North Corolina, in April 2007, and took some quick pictures there.
Title: A trip to Raleigh, North Carolina
Total items: 110
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This one is past its best. All things must die, in the end.
A row of violins hanging up in the shop where they are made.
I asked if I could photograph these, and they said I could.
A lamp-post silhouetted against the sky
A bar called “âura” (aura).
Looking up through the leaves.
I had some XML Query meetings hosted by Red Hat in Raleigh, North Corolina, in April 2007, and took some quick pictures there.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.