Blackjack’s First Day (page 3/3)

[picture: Blackjack Overlooking]

Blackjack Overlooking

THis picture didn’t come out too well, but he’s standing on top of a closet!

[picture: Nebby and Io]

Nebby and Io

Sharing a basket in the kitchen.

[picture: Nebby licking Io]

Nebby licking Io

Nebby needs another cat. But for now, she’s adopted the dogs.

[picture: In bed together]

In bed together


[picture: Reuben]


With Io and Nebby in a dogbed in the background; Reuben’s dogbed is on the left at the back.

[picture: Blackjack says hello]

Blackjack says hello

He actually wouldn’t stay still long enough to be photographed (and I had to go out for a bit), but we let Blackjack out of the studio today and into the rest of the house. There were no [...] [more...]

[picture: Pet orange]

Pet orange

Oranges are not very rewarding pets, although at least you can eat them, and they are very easy to photograph, because they sit still very nicely. [more...]

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