Some pictures I took in the last week of May 2004; most of these were for people who like to make photo-collages, and many were taken on request.
Title: Last Week of May, 2004
Total items: 102
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White Marble Pestle and Mortar
A white marble pestle and mortar.
A plastic bag with an obvious logo printed on it. The bag was maybe a 5cm (a couple of inches) across.
Open to pages 46 and 47, a page with more typographic variation, for someone who wanted photographs of an open book.
Carved stone elephants that I bought in Mumai (formerly called Bombay, in India) at a government-run emporium designed to allow people from rural villages to sell items to tourists. They cost 40 Rupees each, which was about one Canadian dollar. There is a smaller elephant inside each of them; I bought these to give one to each of my siblings and mother [...] [more...]
Another detail of the wood-carving.
Some pictures I took in the last week of May 2004; most of these were for people who like to make photo-collages, and many were taken on request.
Note: If you got here from a search engine and don’t see what you were looking for, it might have moved onto a different page within this gallery.